Media Fragmentation

there is not "mass media" - that reaches everyone and is retained by everyone- anymore. "magazine"'s origin was "depertment store" in French, but a magazine is specified too much now. it is more like a select shop than depertment store that has something for everyone. oh- by the way, in today's class, we watched sth tv show that is very popular, and Damian was there! to talk about his video and youtube... huh, that was a so sweet moment!
we got 2 assignments today. 1 is an individual resarch project, and the other is a group project that creating magazine ! unfortunately, i couldn't find anybody but one man who seems older, healthy, funny... the good thing is , he needs "A" from this class. we...not we, he came up with idea that informing housing (buy&rent) in the magazine since he works as a real estate agent. and i thought it was very interesting. it's new, isn't it? we definately will have fun with this project.
btw, i got 98/100 for the mid-term! yey! :))