
I have a sore throat. For IB class's final presentation, we had a meeting. it was okay probably... Today is a Lindsay's BD and she just attended our meeting and skiped classes. Maiko will attend her sister's wedding on Saturday so that she…

curse (v)- to say rude things to sb, to swear invigorate - make sb feel healthy & full of energy

After Ross Hunter


He said "the students really invigorated me, not like American high school students." ... Of course! We are over 21! Today is an anniversary of John F Kennedy's assasination. Person who killed him was also killed. Using Active voice in wri…

Securities Markets:Financing & Investing Opportunities


Debt financing - selling bonds: company owe money - must repay until their maturity date, must pay interests too. Equity financing - selling stocks: company sell ownership - don't have to pay dividends but stockholders can vote 2 types of …