frozen car

Yesterday, the campus was closed due to icy roads. Yes, it was scary to drive car even though the car is SUV. It was a lot of snow yesterday. It was beautiful. But, I was upset because I needed to go to school and work for final presentation for today, and actually I really worried about quality of other members' parts... because I've seen their presentations before in another classes, and they were ... horrable.
But after lunch, I changed my mind and took a walk toward SAFEWAY. It was fun. I started reading "the Phantom of the Opera" @ STARBUCKS, but I couldn't focus on. And I also call to Mikiko-san and ask info about the hospital where I can talk about my problem with period. I'll go to GroupHealth on next Monday.
This morning was also terrible ... to open my car door! It was all frozen. It took a while. I appreciate that my dad gave me a call unexpectedly at 7am!