Da Vinci Code

interesting, good thrilling, but, if I didn't read the novel before, I couldn't get it. It's nice to read before watching movie. The movie was made too compact to understand.
I liked the actress who was as Sophie, by the way.
So...... I suggested J&D to read the book. but, guess what!? J said "I know it's interesting, but I don't read novels. never." I asked her why. She answered "Because all of that is not true! it's all fiction." M "So, you usually read documentary kinda stuff?" J "yeah. or,I like essay." M "oh, i see!"
... I was surprised! I've never met the person who doesn't like all kinda novels, cuz it's not true! ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, I cannot understand her. almost every movie or music or art is fiction! I was dissapointed somehow. That's why she does like business, money, or accounting stuff and she doesn't like baby, kids or even nice culture of Asia?? That's why she's here and not in Korea? maybe?
I don't know.
Every movie that we watch together tells me sth about her. and everytime of that, I feel bad and I notice I may not get along with her. huh. tired.