

so i went to the central movie first time! i saw "black cat white cat"黒猫白猫 [DVD]出版社/メーカー: パラマウント・ホーム・エンタテインメント・ジャパン発売日: 2004/09/17メディア: DVD クリック: 24回この商品を含むブログ (72件) を見るthis, is…


Once | Fox Searchlight It was a gooooood movie. this one made me cry...a lot. i know that generating the harmony is the most beautiful moment ever. it is very sad that they cannot sing together anymore, and the piano....!

PRAGUE was good. it was beautiful.

28weeks later...

SCARY!!!!!!!!! but there was nice music, and nice story. it was a good movie, but it was too scary for me...


i wanna watch this. this alone. :)

"All the President's men"

大統領の陰謀 [VHS]出版社/メーカー: ワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ発売日: 1993/11/18メディア: VHS購入: 1人 クリック: 2回この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るRoger was sick. So we didn't have either a lecture nor a review for the exam(since i expected…

Da Vinci Code

interesting, good thrilling, but, if I didn't read the novel before, I couldn't get it. It's nice to read before watching movie. The movie was made too compact to understand. I liked the actress who was as Sophie, by the way. So...... I su…