Sayo and Ayako

I talked w/ ayako on messenger, since she put "i wanna go back home..." on her name. she was not too bad, but she has a really delicate and sensitive personality and that makes her life harder. we talked about each other and i understood she's kinda similar to me. she has a sense of inferiocity. she wanna change herself then came here, and struggling now. i'm glad to meet her because i feel i can talk honestly when she listen to me. she had experienced a big depression cuz of her health. she lost her dream... be a doctor(her daddy&granpa are a doctor). maybe that made her bigger than me.
ayako said i need to accept myself, which is sometimes messy, fussy and houghty. i think so. if i could do that, i would grow. i think Mi's been doing that and that is my great treasure. if i didn't have that kinda person, i cannot be like now. that helps me a lot. i was very active when i was in HS and i think that is because of him. i lost that once, but i have now again, fortunatelly. i really appreciate that. he's my huge secure base. he's my giving tree;))
after that i talked w/ sayo on messenger too. until 3 ... that made me back to sick!XP but that chatting was fruitful. i think she needs to find a company that she can feel she's growing. that might make her be a hard&joyful worker. and she pointed out that i've been thinking for a while. maybe... i wanna work at whatever company(#1), get married(#2), have some babies(#3) and start working my own.. sth like cafe/bar/shop that nice for both adults&kids(#4). so, maybe i'll work as an antrepreneur someday:)) #3 and #4 canbe opposite order. maybe that's my life plan. maybe it would be nice that if i start my own sth around 35yrs old.
how do you think? is there anyone reading this blog?? :)