Yoga Quiz - tomorrow!

Yoga includes a life paths or purpose for traditional yogis and yoginis.
Yoga translated means to `yoke`, to unite, join or connect. it is a complete system of physical, mental, social, and spiritual development. it aims to prepare the body and mind for meditation and transformation. the human mind drifts to the past or future; whereas the body exists in the present and is a more tangible thing than the mind. in Raja yoga, by focusing on postures and the body, we can help focus the mind and bring it into the present with the body.
in ancient times yoga was often referred to as a tree. the major branches of yoga includes Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Raja yoga.

  • Karma yoga - what we experience today is created by our actions in the past. create a future that frees us from being bound by negatively and selfishness. Volunteering is an example.
  • Bhakti yoga - it describes the path of devotion.Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. are examples of bhakti yogis. Mother Teresa's work is the combination of the karma and bhakti yoga paths.
  • Jnana yoga - the yoga of mind, of wisdom, the path of the sage or scholar.
  • Raja yoga - Raja means "royal". meditation is the focal point. it attracts individuals who are introspective and drawn to meditation.

1. Yama - guidance for successful living in society 2. Niyama - guidance for managing and purifying self 3. Asana - physical postures 4. Pranayama - breathing techniques 5. Pratyhara - Methods for detaching the mid from the five senses 6. Dharana - Concentration techniques 7.Dhyana - Meditation techniques 8. Samadhi - Transcendence, enlightment, non-dualistic unification often with the universal consciousness.

it is an ancient system of physical and mental practices that originated during the Indus Valley civilization over 5000yrs ago.

  • Yoga Sutras, Patanjail. yoga philosophy comes out of an oral tradition. The Indian sage Patanjail has been credited with the collection of this oral tradition into his classical work "the Yoga Sutra." it provides the framework (particularly the eight limbs)
  • Bhagavad-Gita. the most profound influence on Hindu culture and philosophy. this text was written about 500BCE and is the first scripture devoted entirely to yoga.
  • Upanishads.
  • Vedas. the oldest scriptures in the world
  • Artifacts. the first archaeological evidence. the stone seals depict figures performing Yoga postures. from 3000BC

=`Wheels` : spinning vortexes of energy. the body, 5elements(earth, water, fire, air, ether), life issues and seed(bija) sounds are 7 main chakras
- Qualities of Nature, Natural Self

  • Sattvic - light, clear, and stable
  • Rajasic - active, agitated or turbulent
  • Tamasic - heavy, dull, dark, and inert

  • Hatha Yoga - 'Ha'='Sun';'tha'='moon'. the most widely practiced form of yoga in the world.
  • Vinyasa yoga - combines a series of flowing postures with rhythmic breathing.
  • Ashtanga - means '8 limbs' is a fast-paced series of sequential postures
  • Power yoga - a western spin to the practiceof Ashtanga yoga, a challenging and disciplined series of poses designed to create heat and energy flow.
  • Jivamukti - highly meditative but physically challenging form of yoga
  • Iyengar - poses(esp standing postures) are typically held much longer
  • Bikram - sweat. studio designed to replicate the southern Indian climate, with temperatures puching 100F.
  • Sivananda - helping us to answer "Who am I?" by following a hatha yoga practice emphasizing 12 basic postures to increase strength and flexibility of the spine.
  • Integral - help people integrate yoga's teachings into their everyday work and relationships. promote grater peace and tolerance worldwide. use hatha postures as a meditation, balancing physical effort and relaxation.
  • Kundalini - everybody's birthright to be "healthy, happy and holy". it would help spritual seekers
  • Kripalu - move in a spontaneous flow of postures w/o the direction of his mind. 3stages: willful practice; willful surrender; meditation in motion
  • Anusara - means "to step into the current of divine will". therapeutic and physically transformative approach to yoga.
  • Viniyoga - implies differentiation, adaptation, and appropriate application. it adapts condition of the individual
  • Tantra - recommend a celibate lifestyle
  • Tibetan - five flowing movements, this active workout keeps students on the move

1. inproving posture, balance and coordination 2.increasing circulation 3. Calmness, relaxation 4. Focuses mind, mental clarity, concentration 5. Respiratory health - lowered breathing rates and increased lung capacity 6. increasing flexibility 7. increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons 8.complete detoxification 9.toning of the muscles