

so i went to the central movie first time! i saw "black cat white cat"黒猫白猫 [DVD]出版社/メーカー: パラマウント・ホーム・エンタテインメント・ジャパン発売日: 2004/09/17メディア: DVD クリック: 24回この商品を含むブログ (72件) を見るthis, is…

moving day2!

so today was...what. making boxes again, unpacking, and put the products to new bins. breakfast - cinamon roll and yogurt, lunch - fried chicken from popeye (which is requested from b-day boy) and cupcakes, and beer. we were free at 6:30! …


this morning ,like 7:30, i got a call from my mom. and she told me that my uncle died yesterday. i went to verite and had a chocolate croissant.